Saturday, July 28, 2012

        So I am pretty much as trained up as I can be now for my first marathon. I have got in the 20 mile trail run, a 20 mile road run, two good half marathons in the past year plus a good number of other races. I have had fartlek training, done relays at the track, had time trials, ran up and down parking garages, ran the big grassy hill at the cross country track for repeats and done lots and lots of good long runs. I feel like i am as good as I am going to get for this and that worries me because I am not sure if I am good enough. One week more and I will be running 26.2 miles through the woods with my good friends. I believe I can make it but just hoping to be in decent shape when I am done with it.
     As I am running this morning through the cool woods I was thinking about the tattoo I will be getting in a couple of weeks to signify finishing my marathon. I have many designs in my head but the one I have most in mind is a trail with 26.2 in the middle of the trail or something like that.
   Who knew that long distance running could become my thing?? Would become my thing?? never woulda thunk it and yet here I am saying crazy stuff like "only 8 miles".......whoa.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Real foolin' cause I got hydration

I now have in my possession a hydration pack. YEPPERS. I now am taking long enough runs that I need to have at least a liter and a half of water with me plus lots of little pockets for Gu's and stuff which as of last year I had no idea what a Gu was. I have salt tablets so I don't get cramps. I just went shopping and bought 90% was protein. The guy at the lane said "you must be feeding an army!" I said NO just me...I am training for a marathon. Now I can say that. I am training for a marathon...and it is getting closer every day. But you know what?? I am not scared. It will be hard but I feel I can do it unless something unforseen happens plus I will have two good friends up there with me so I know I will be just fine. So now that I have all this stuff I want to run tonight. I am excited! This is the biggest thing I have ever done!